Saturday, 28 December 2013
# 5 "Gifts"
Gifts make people happy,
Gifts make people cry,
Gifts make people angry.
Gifts make people surprise,
Gifts make people delighted.
Most importantly, gifts signify sincerity.
In this season of joy, let us celebrate happy moments with the loved ones!
and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us !
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
# 4 "Tantrums..."
" Tantrums..."
In life, there are ups and downs.
In love, there are also, ups and downs.
Lovers do not stay happy everytime
Lovers fight,
But the only things that make a difference
Lovers fight and forgive.
Wonders why is entitled tantrums ?
Figure it out !
Sunday, 17 November 2013
#3 "候鳥飛。。。"
温柔的旋律 弥漫着整个空间
一丝一丝的 思念不断浮现出
充满了片刻 仿佛时光倒流般
把我们带到 好久好久以前
美好的时刻 总是 以时光般的速度
快速地反映 你我 一起度过的回忆
心 突然感应得到 很强烈的感觉
它 带给了我肯定 确定的告诉我。。。
很快的 我听见。。。
”悄悄告訴你 多愛你”
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
#2 "Love is not something you find, Love is something that finds you."
"Love is not something you find, Love is something that finds you."
The grass ain't always green,
The sky ain't always blue,
The flowers ain't always blooming,
The Sun ain't always sunny,
The boy ain't always smart,
The girl ain't always pretty,
There goes imperfection in lives.
Love stays as healer.
Love seals imperfections.
Love does.did.will do.
It is love!
Who brings two souls together,
Who brings two hearts together,
Love is the common thing of the two.
Let us give way to Love
Let us give way to Love
We will continue to be in Love.
Because Love found us.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
#1 “执子之手,与子偕老”
坦白的,梦想对我来说很模糊 因为我还小 很无知
但我懂,上面那句话的意识 我想是高一时学来的
对 奇怪的是 我还是勇敢的踏出那一步
冒险的踏上这旅程 我想我疯了
不 这不是疯 比疯还要惨呢
那叫 傻
说到这 我想很多人都很觉得 我真的是傻瓜
“对!我就是笨蛋!才会那么喜欢你” 《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》
不 你错了
如果没有当初的傻气 我可是现在的《那些年》“那些年错过的大雨,那些年错过的爱情。。。”
打从心里想着 “幸好, 幸好 我傻”
我想说的是 偶尔当一次傻瓜 你会有意想不到的惊喜和收获
哥儿们 加油噢!
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